Where? In the cultural center 4lthangrund – alte Mensa
Please register in advance via: bildung@awa-stern.info
Tuesday 11-03-2024 at 18h30 – 20h30
Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna
Would you like to do Awareness-Work (with us), especially educational work?
Yes? Then come along!
On this evening we will introduce you to AwA* and the Awareness-Work we do and give us the opportunity to get to know each other. We are currently looking in particular for people who would like to participate in our educational work and networking and who would like to contribute to the field of Awareness-Work. For educational work, you should already have experience in Awareness-Work and be interested in organizing workshops and supporting structures and groups with us. Part of the work (coordination work, networking, coordination meetings, developing new concepts) is based on voluntary work, the educational work for others is paid. We are looking for people who are interested in the medium to long term and can imagine becoming part of the collective. Are you interested? You want to get to know us? Come and meet us!