AwA_stern (awa_star)

AwA_stern is a collective of women, trans, queer, and inter* individuals who organize events, carry out educational work, write concepts, as well as advise spaces, groups, and institutions.

We work as a collective.

Awareness work and its associated content are matters close to our hearts.

Demands and Values

Within our work, there are fundamental values and demands that we implement. This includes principles such as partiality, the use of concepts like agency and intersectional approaches.

Within our activities, we conduct regular team training sessions. For example, on gender diversity and awareness, managing drug use, and first aid – first responder training.

Educational materials, knowledge, workshops, and skills are continuously provided for activists and community-based structures. Awareness stems from feminist, queer, and intersectional grassroots work. It is important for us to share these resources in an accessible way with these structures.

As an awareness collective, we are connected in various ways with other groups and contexts. In the context of our work, we collaborate with associations and structures in youth work, feminist groups, space collectives, event organizers, interest groups, and many others. This includes, among others: IG Club Kultur, 4lthangrund für Alle, Awareness Institut, Checkit, Zara

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