Job Advertisement – Awareness Work in Public Space(s)

We are looking for staff members for Awareness work in public space(s).

To offer „Awareness Work in Public Space(s)“, we are looking for dedicated persons who would like to collaboratively and actively shape and carry out this work with us throughout the summer months.

Awareness work means to create committed solidary first points of call. We jointly and proactively provide prevention- and support-work for people affected by discrimination and violence. We raise awareness for the kind of mindful togetherness we are striving to implement. The work will take place in public space(s) in Vienna.

* Period: from May 13th, 2025 until September 20th, 2025

At job start, there will be a schooling period with workshops, further training and education, and team building events from May 13th, 2025 until May 15th, 2025 (10:30 am – 6:30 pm). Presence in this phase is essential.

* Hours per week: 13 to 22 weekly hours of work (can be arranged according to requirements)

* Contact/Provider: AwA* – Kollektiv für Awareness-Arbeit (more about us:

* Rota: A shift schedule for the entire season will be compiled at season start. This means that vacations must be communicated at the beginning before we plan who is going to work which shifts.

* Payment: The calculation of the monthly income is on an hourly basis. The gross hourly rate is about 16,83 € with holiday- and Christmas-allowance proportionally added.

Two practical examples:

  • 804,18 € net per month with 13h per week, holiday- and Christmas- allowance proportionally added (the latter paid out with last salary)
  • 1.353,06 € net per month with 22h per week, holiday- and Christmas- allowance proportionally added (the latter paid out with last salary)

The exact hours will be calculated on the basis of the respective shifts you work (see → working hours).

* Alternative employment options: Alternatively to the above mentioned, we can also employ you for 7h/week within the limits of the marginal earnings threshold („Geringfügigkeitsgrenze“, max. 551,10 € / month) or you can provide flexible service delivery as a stand-in on the basis of fee notes (18,80 €/hour).

* Working hours: Team meetings each Thursday 11:00 am – 1:30 pm (sometimes 4 pm); shifts Friday and Saturday evenings / nights and before holidays from 7:00 pm until 04:00 am; training and schooling before and during project start. Also see above under → rota.

* Profile: Experience or training in one or more of the following areas is required:

  • Event context / club scence / night work (bar, gastronomy / catering, security, event organisation and/or management)
  • Street work – training and practice in social work
  • Pedagogical training and practice / experience with mediation („e.g.: „Lebens- und Sozialberatung“)
  • Practical experience in Awareness-Work
  • We especially would like to invite persons with different language skills to apply (e.g. Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic, Farsi, BKS, Austrian or International Sign Language, Russian).
    German and/or English are needed as basic communication language.
  • We a looking forward to a diverse team: BIPoC, trans-, inter-, queer-, agender- and non-binary persons, persons with dis_abilities as well as persons with refugee or migration background are welcome in our team!
  • A prerequisite for the work is also a 16h first aid course (first-aider standard according to the Red Cross) which has been attended in the last 2 years. For people who do not have this, there will be a course on April 24th and May 8th which can be attended free of charge.
  • A current certificate of a “Strafregisterauszug” (criminal record) is also required at the latest before signing the employment contract (standard in youth and social work).

* We offer: a comprehensive training and education week as well as further education in Awareness Basics, Gender Diversity, Anti-Racism, and Team Work in Public Space. Additional schooling is offered continuously and can be booked for free and on a voluntary basis within the range of offers from „Sucht- und Drogenkoordination“ & the „Institut für Freizeitpädagogik“.

Precondition for working with us is to comply with our Awareness principles (Respect, Consent, Solidarity, Power of Definition, Partisanship (commitment), Confidentiality).

There is a moderated reflection meeting („Supervision“) once a month. This is a compulsory part of the employment.

At work, you will…

… move in public space (e.g. with bikes, cargo bike; wheelchair is also possible),

… establish contact and communicate with the persons present in the public place where we are providing our service,

… mediate in conflict situations,

… offer support in cases of boundary crossing or (impending) assault / attacks,

… inform about further contact points and information or counseling centers, respectively arrange contact with these

… as well as provide psychological or physical first aid.

Our team members should thus be stress-resistant and be able to estimate complex social situations as well as their own limits.

* Please apply with motivational letter (max. 1 page) and CV without (!) photo until latest March 31st, 2025 to:

We are looking forward to your application!

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