Awareness Basics for Shift Workers
The qualification for shifts consists of 3 parts. Basics 1 (6h), orientation shift (3h) and scenario training (5h). You need to do all parts to finish the training. If you already did the Basics 1 (or similar workshop) in another context, you can write this into the form for the scenario training.
Scroll down to the relevant heading for the respective description and registration for the workshop.
Basics 1 (6h)
NEXT AVAILABLE DATE: Saturday 17.02., 15-21h – register here:
This workshop is about understanding awareness and specifically awareness work, its background and principles, as well as raising awareness about different forms of transgressions, violence, and discrimination. Participants will be trained to support people with different support needs in a way that focuses on the needs of the affected person and according to the principles of awareness work.
Furthermore, initial practical knowledge and important know-how are provided on what it means (at events) to be part of an awareness structure and what minimum standards must be met. The participants will also get a first look at the understanding of the role, limits, and possibilities of awareness work and will be prepared for their first shifts in an awareness team.
The workshop is held in English, is as interactive as possible, and uses different media and methods. It is important to attend this workshop in its entirety to take part in further workshops and to be able to do orientation shifts!
In addition to educational work, AwA* also does a lot of event support. We are regularly looking for people who would like to take on awareness shifts as part of our activities, and for which our specific workshops can also qualify. If you are interested, let us know when you register, and we will be happy to talk to you individually about what this means and about the possibility of reducing costs.
The workshop can also be booked by collectives or institutions and can then be adapted to their own needs.
If you have specific questions about your participation in the workshops or need certain requirements/support to be able to participate in the workshops, please feel free to write to us, and we will see how we can take that into account.
The workshops are open on a free donation basis and are not funded. We recommend the following donation depending on the length (where preparation and follow-up hours have to be added) and thus more knowledge transfer for you:
0 – 30 Euros – if you have (almost) no money, 30 – 50 Euros – if you are rather short of money, 50 – 120 Euros or more – if you can make ends meet. The average amount of 50 euros is sufficient.
Important note:
Anything more that comes in donations will be used to compensate for those workshops and educational work where less money comes in. Much of the work done at AwA* is voluntary and often involves solidarity.
Please don’t take the donation proposal as a financial barrier, because everyone should be able to participate in the workshop regardless of their financial means.
Orientation shift (3h)
The orientation shift is scheduled after participation in the 1st workshop. There are several possible dates for this. The duration is 3 hours and there are no costs for the orientation shift. As part of an orientation shift, you are part of an awareness team as an additional person without carrying major responsibility.
Scenario training (5h)
NEXT AVAILABLE DATE: if you have interest in this workshop in English – please e-mail us;
The second part of the basic workshop deals with deepening aspects and building up practice for awareness shifts. The distinction from other forms of support is made clearer, there is more focus on how to conduct conversations and work together in a team, and self-reflection and the limits of agency to act are addressed. Through scenario training, not only practical exercises can be done together, but also exchange on different situations and settings can take place and more can be learned about the challenges and possibilities, but also the limits of the theoretical basis of awareness work.
The workshop will be held in English, will be as interactive as possible, and will work with different media and methods. It is important to attend the entire workshop to complete the basic training.
Prerequisite: This workshop can only be attended after completing the first basic workshop with the associated orientation shift, or if you are already actively working in the field of awareness.
AwA* also does a lot of event support besides educational work. We are regularly looking for people who would like to take on awareness shifts as part of our activities, and for which our specific workshops can also qualify. If you are interested, let us know when you register, and we will be happy to talk to you individually about what this means and about the possibility of reducing costs.
The workshop can also be booked by collectives or institutions and can then be adapted to their own needs.
If you have specific questions about your participation in the workshops or need certain requirements/support to be able to participate in the workshops, please feel free to write to us, and we will see how we can take that into account.
The workshops are open on a free donation basis and are not funded. We recommend the following donation depending on the length (where preparation and follow-up hours have to be added) and thus more knowledge transfer for you:
0 – 20 Euros – if you have (almost) no money, 20 – 40 Euros – if you are rather short of money, 40 – 110 Euros or more – if you can make ends meet. The average amount of 40 euros is sufficient.
Important note:
Anything more that comes in donations will be used to compensate for those workshops and educational work where less money comes in. Much of the work done at AwA* is voluntary and often involves solidarity.
Please dont take the donation proposal as a financial barrier, because everyone should be able to participate in the workshop regardless of their financial means.